Yesterday we had to go to Walgreens to get my second born's medicine after going to see Dr. Fox, by the way, he has an ear infection. Anyway, while waiting a few minutes for the Rx to be ready, of course we proceeded to the toy isle. The first born picked up this round item and said, "what is this"? I pondered briefly thinking should I or shouldn't I fill him in on the joy of the Whoopie cushion? I quickly thought through these scenarios in which I knew would unfold before my eyes and ears.... BIG MISTAKE...well then I proceeded to tell him of this wonderful devise. Then the fun began! They both had the best time ever in Walgreens...( I have to admit, so did I) The more he tested this out the funnier it became...he was literally sitting on the ground trying every position he could to make the recognizable sounds that the whoopie cushion can make! They were giggling so hard that they became weak! (as did I) I think I reverted back to my childhood...certain that everyone who walked past was thinking the same thing. first born is determined to save HIS money to make his next purchase at Walgreens. BOYS!!
come on over to "The White House"- we're high tech with our remote controlled fart machine. You guys could have fun for hours. : )
Can't believe he has an ear infection. Here I thought tubes was the answer.
I just thought of something...you should have built a white house!
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