It has been said that dreams are the window to the soul. Is this true? I can't help wondering what releveance my dream of one of our very good friends being an espianage spy has to do with my soul? In my dream he was using very high tech machinery to bug our house and keep track of our every move. He became very paranoid in his quest to prove we were out to get him! Since then, I have a hard time looking at him the same. (o:
Have you ever had an emotional dream that actually puts you in a bad mood for the day? Or the dream where you are at work and wake up exhausted dreading actually going to work after already putting in your eight hours. How about the dream where a deceased family member visits you? I have heard that this is how they come to see us? I love when this happens! Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I often am reminded of a dream once I see something or someone during the day...that really is a strange feeling. My husband usually dreams the same dream of being in a plane crash...how depressing! My dreams tend to be colorful and very complicated with many different settings and people (not that I am saying I am complicated) including lots of twists and turns which are hard to reacall.
I can't help but being fascinated with dreams and how they can be interpreted. Do we in fact dream in color? Why is it that some people don't dream or remember their dreams? Do dogs dream? (Kidding)
Random Thoughts
I, too, seem to have vibrant, colorful dreams. I am always amazed at how I can pop from one scene right into another as if someone were changing the channels. Does it mean I am a fascinating, mulit-fasceted person? Or is it that I am just plain CRAZY?
I dream in color and in b&w, sometimes their scary, serious and exhausting....But what amazes me, I can wake-up, remember the dream and go back to the dream when I fall asleep....If it's not a happy dream, that's frustrating...Sometimes I think, Am I that complex? or a late night Pizza did it....DL Good job Babe I like your blog!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks mom! Miss you!!! (o;
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