We are all thrilled that spring has arrived, even Chloe enjoys going out and meandering through the yard smelling every inch that I allow. She especially enjoys ringing her bells to go out even if she doesn't have to potty. The signs of spring are everywhere including the birds singing. This is the part that is troublesome for Chloe. The condescending sounds from the Tufted Titmouse bird. He may be cute you say, but Chloe is tired of the mocking calls that these birds sing out to her..."wiener, wiener, wiener!" Have you seen or heard this bird? All of you doxie lovers beware of the repercussions that this bird causes!
Precious Chloe girl, Grammy misses you too.....DL
Reese ate a decayed bird head the other day, threw it up, and then rolled in it. I had to use three handfuls of doggie shampoo to get the rotting fish smell out. I almost threw up while doing it.
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