Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I am very pleased to announce that starting next week I will have a cleaning lady! How good is that? If I don't get one I will end up looking like this since I am back to work full time.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


In 1972 Waldi was the first official Olympic mascot in Germany. Isn't he adorable! Just a little trivia for you in the spirit of the Olympics. Is everyone enjoying them as much as I am? I have decided that I want to go to China now and that I want to got to the next Olympics in London. We better start saving our spare change.

Nothing But a Good Time!

I am going to confess a guilty pleasure that I am quite frankly embarrassed about... I am still an eighties hair band fan! I know... it is something I have tried to move on from, but am just unable to do so. Friday, Aaron and I along with our best friends, Jules and Dan went to the Poison concert in Indy. It is amazing how hearing the same songs over and over can bring back so many memories, some that I am not proud of. Bret Michaels reminded us several times that they have been coming to Indy for twenty-two years. There are many levels to this...are we really that old?? And...I want to know how many times we have gone to see Poison as well as the many other make up wearing glam bands of the eighties. It was quite an amusing sight to behold, not Poison, but the colorful crowd that we were able to watch in amazement. We saw some interesting stuff and realized that we are very normal and don't really belong at a Poison concert. Many people still had their mullets looking like time stood still from the eighties. It was certainly worth the trip just sitting and watching the crowd. There were many people just like us who looked like parents who were reliving the glory days. You should have seen us dancing with our eighties moves. Jules and I felt as though we were 17 again! Until we returned home to the kids...............Oh well it was good while it lasted. Really, I wouldn't want to go back to 1986 for anything!! One more thing I decided, I won't let my teenagers attend any concerts except for Sandy Patty!


Aren't you sick of looking at that darn camper. Thought I would post a few pictures from our vacation in Florida. I sure miss this beach! We had a great time meeting up with our friends. The hardest thing about vacation is having to come home.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Camper we ALMOST bought!

Here are photos of the camper we almost bought. After careful consideration and many hours of looking, we decided to hold off on our purchase. With All Star games coming up, our weekends will be filled with hours of ball games during the month of July. So, we decided to revisit this next spring. Maybe we can get a better deal on one just like this next year.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Weekend Fun

What a busy and fun holiday weekend it was. We are so happy that we finally had a beautiful weekend! Here is a rundown of what all we did...
  • Neighbor had a baby

  • Yard work

  • Worked concession stand at the ball diamonds

  • Shopped (have to get that in some time)

  • Our first time at "The Cabin" which included yummy food, Bob Marley reggae music, hillbilly golf, washers, a rock'n game of kickball, bike riding, campfire, strawberry shortcake. Thank you Shannon for inviting us to your cabin on the ocean. We had so much fun!

  • Cookout at our house...more yummy food, awesome game of wiffle ball, washers, and a bonfire.

  • Mini Golf, more grilling out

All of this fun was awesome, but wow, I am tired and so are the children!! Amazing enough they just took off with their dad to play nine holes of real golf. Now, I think I am going to take a nap.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

3 a.m. Post

Good Morning...or should I say Good night? I am sure you are all wondering what in the world is she doing posting at three in the morning? I am kind of wondering that myself. Well, it started with my first born quietly coming up and tapping me on the the shoulder..."mommy, can I sleep with you?" "I can't sleep". So, I make room in the middle of Aaron and I. Then about an hour later I hear my second born loudly traipsing up the stairs, turn the light on in the bathroom, he does nothing quietly, you know strangely enough that is one of the things I love about him. That is when I gave up and just got up to make room for him. We have a king size bed, but it just isn't big enough anymore for the four of us. So, here I am downstairs in the cold family room wishing I could just go back to sleep. Oh and I need to mention that the dog decided that she needed to go outside too? Now as I lay here on the couch (did I say that I wish I was upstairs in my comfy warm bed?) I was beginning to feel a bit angry that they are in MY bed or as they have always called it the "Big Bed". I need to remind myself that I am so lucky to have those two and the fact they feel comforted coming to us in the middle of the night if they wake up. So now my anger ceases to feelings of contentment in knowing how blessed I am. That "Big Bed" holds so many dear memories...OK now get your minds out of the gutter...I guess I should clarify... family memories. The nightly feedings when I nursed these babies...those nights when they needed soothed from nightmares...nights when they had high temps and the flu...just those special snuggle times in the mornings when we watched cartoons...card games...laughs and tickles...bed time stories. Wow, life is good! Even though I CAN'T SLEEP!